Joint All Domain Command and Control: JADC2
Joint All-Domain Command & Control (JADC2) is the DoD initiative to replace the current domain and control systems with one that connects the existing sensors and shooters and distribute the available data to all domains (sea, air, land, cyber, and space) and forces that are part of the U.S. military. The goal is to move to a system that connects every sensor and shooter, providing the necessary data to respond to threats in an optimal way. It is a joint effort that seeks to bring in input from every service branch and operates in a bottom-up fashion by allowing for the transfer of data from one domain to another (this is what is meant by every sensor, every shooter.)
Blueforce software products, namely BlueforceTACTICAL, BlueforceEDGE, and BlueforceCOMMAND can facilitate this fusion, tipping & cueing, orchestration/triggering, and shared situational awareness with support for more than 350 sensors from 100+ manufacturers. Now in partnership with Advantech, Blueforce is excited to announce the development of the Joint Operations Center in a Box (JOCIAB) concept for USSOCOM. The Blueforce software suite is positioned as the edge ingest, processing, and dissemination component largely built around BlueforceEDGE, our autonomous sensor fusion, cueing, and orchestration engine for edge operational environments. Specifically, BlueforceEDGE offers:
- Sustainable and supported autonomous edge IoT and AI platforms for rapid processing, sense-making, and dissemination of detections and threats
- A multitude of protocol gateways that make EDGE processed intelligence interoperable with the wide array of domain specific tools and information sharing frameworks to include Cursor on Target (beta), US Army Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA), REST/JSON, and soon ZeroMQ/MQTT.
- Rapid adaptation: Turn on/off capability on demand using a “mosaic” architecture for rapid composition and decomposition of capability in the field.
The JOCIAB solution offers the capability set and flexibility required to fully enable tactical decision making at the edge. With an understanding of where personnel on the ground are operating, the ability to view live video feeds from numerous platforms and the ability to leverage sensor data whether from body-worn, platform borne, or fixed in place sensors, an on-scene commander has on a single screen in a vehicle all the information needed to make well-informed tactical decisions. Moving this decision-making capability from the HQ to the tactical edge where the incident is taking place leads to a better operational outcome and enhanced life safety for warfighters and our first responders.
The JOCIAB is a rapidly deployable small form factor system developed with multiple levels of computing and communications and AI/ML acceleration. The system includes an Internet of Warfare Edge Server, MANET, 5G, and Wi-Fi modems managed by Wind Talker Innovations Osmosis® Over-The-Top mesh network. JOCIAB packaging includes the software and hardware required to allow C5ISR, Blueforce powered Sensor Data Fusion/Sensor to Shooter with tightly integrated AI and ML capabilities, and local training support modules with over-the-shoulder remote mentoring.
JOCIAB is a platform suited to operational needs. It is a modular and easily expandable platform powered with Blueforce software. To learn more, call us at +1 866-960-0204 or send an email to info@blueforcedev.com. You may also download our Internet of Battlefield Things eBook by clicking the button below.
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