autonomous agents

By John Black, Vice President—Federal, Blueforce Development Corp. An Eye-opening Moment and Genesis of S2S-AI Rapid Prototyping Next week, at the Wilcox Industries Range Day at SHOT Show, outside Las Vegas, Blueforce will provide a live fire demonstration of Sensor-to-Shooter Artificial Intelligence (S2S-AI), a proof-of-concept of IoT data fusion, applied to a sniper scenario, one year after its inception. On a sunny day, last January on the...

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Since 1893, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has been shaping the law enforcement profession. The IACP Annual Conference and Exposition has been the foundation, providing leaders with new strategies, techniques, and resources they need to successfully navigate the evolving policing environment. IACP has been a leader in the law enforcement industry throughout it’s 125-year history. Join Blueforce in Orlando October 6-9, 2018...

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A Blueforce advisor told us very early on that to truly understand customer pain and the very problems we hoped to solve with our technology, we had to "live a week in the breach". So we did, and we continue to do so. We spend many, many weeks each year deployed alongside of intelligence analysts, far forward commanders, door kickers, CBRN responders, EOD, investigators, undercover...

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Announcing BlueforceEDGE Image Recognition Plugin for superior decision support in time stressed and contested environments The increasing speed of unpredictable and chaotic events collapses the tactical decision space for military commanders and first responders. Forward sensor fusion with edge-based processing accelerates recognitional decision making by widening the decision-maker’s aperture to a greater number of sensor inputs and a wider array of sensor types. Cognitive computing tools...

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Blueforce, like most companies, works to attract a Board of Advisors. These are folks that have served in tactical and leadership positions in the markets we want to pursue. One of our most important mentors was a former Marine who was a senior executive in Donald Rumsfeld's (SecDef) Pentagon. He insisted that for Blueforce to really understand the challenges, we had to "spend a week...

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By Bill Gellman, Blueforce Development Corporation Blueforce was founded with the mission to enable organizations to make better decisions faster at what we refer to as the “tactical edge”. The tactical edge is where the rubber meets the road and might be simply defined as the area or areas where the action is happening. With roots in national security, we often think of this in terms...

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You and almost everyone you know carry a smart device. By 2020, some reports estimate that globally there will be approximately 20 billion smart devices in use. What’s the connection? Must be the voice communications, right? Or perhaps it’s the real-time internet access that we crave. Many of us already rely on smart devices for social interaction, connectivity, and business intelligence. These days, you and...

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Blueforce Announces General Availability of BlueforceEDGE Azure IoT Plugin for Real-Time Stream Analytics Our industry talks a lot about the importance of information, but what often goes missing is any consideration of the PERISHABILITY of information. That is, some bits of data have a shelf life measured in minutes and hours, where other bits hold value for days, months, and even years. Blueforce chose to innovate...

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Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) has become a core focus given the potential for executing special operations missions in or near sites suspected of manufacturing, storing, or supporting weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to include chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN). A generation ago, regimes with access to these munitions were limited to developed and relatively stable nation states. However, the operating environment has drastically changed,...

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Counter-terrorism operations take so many shapes across the national security landscape.  We have been there first hand, from Iraq to the African continent, to New York City.  Our heros in New York City present one way, while our friends who jump into new found tunnels on the border present another.  Our participation in Military Working Dog programs and how they leverage our technology never ceases...

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