Emergency Management

Drone incursions on stadiums, events, and even private property present a range of security issues, primarily due to their potential for unauthorized surveillance, disruption, and even use as an inexpensive means to launch an offensive attack.  One significant concern is the risk of drones being used for reconnaissance purposes, allowing individuals with malicious intent to gather intelligence on security vulnerabilities, crowd movements, signal intelligence, and even...

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SOFWEEK 2024 EDITION: Imagine for a moment, that you are a 22-year-old going into harm's way. You are sent into a confined space where there is a potential of bumping into industrial gases, gamma rad, and even blister/nerve agent threats. Furthermore, you are expected to make precise decisions on response and mitigation. Any ground truth intelligence can impact your recommendations given the changing dynamics as...

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https://vimeo.com/835459614/c02402ee43?share=copy Incidents and the subsequent emergency responses can be chaotic, especially when they involve multiple agencies and organizations that need to work together to respond to the crisis. In such situations, there may be confusion about roles and responsibilities, communication breakdowns, and a lack of coordination. Shortly after 9/11, the U.S. government commissioned programs that ultimately led to the National Incident Management (NIMS) framework which defines...

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To many, sentiment analysis is known as opinion mining, a natural language processing (NLP) technique used to determine the emotional tone or sentiment expressed in a piece of text. It involves analyzing text data to identify whether the sentiment expressed is positive, negative, neutral, or sometimes even more nuanced emotions like anger, joy, sadness, etc.  The primary goal of sentiment analysis is to understand the underlying...

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Complex emergency management is fundamentally a lesson in organized chaos where accountability is a core foundational element of shared situational awareness. Knowing where to find what you need can be as chaotic given that response assets — the vehicles, equipment, autonomous platforms — are rarely in one place and scattered throughout an area of operation. Asset inventory coupled with resources and capability on a “single...

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While "domain awareness" has been a long-standing requirement for military and counter-terrorism operations, Blueforce has been hearing this more and more for incident management in the public safety and emergency management spaces. Domain awareness is of paramount importance for emergency managers as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the operating environment in which emergencies or disasters occur. Here are several reasons why domain awareness is...

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The importance of keeping our first responders safe during severe weather events cannot be understated. Access to timely and detailed weather alerts is crucial when deployed to any natural and/or manmade disaster or critical incident, especially when it comes to ensuring the safety of those on the front lines. The National Weather Service Severe Weather Plugin for BlueforceEDGE provides hyperlocal alerting for a host of...

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During complex emergencies or events, first responders often face several map-related challenges. Some of these challenges include having to utilize offline maps, data layers, and other geospatial data that contains important details and/or real-time data. During these events, first responders from different agencies, departments, towns, and even states may be called in, which means some responders and agencies will be responding to completely unfamiliar territory...

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Radio frequency management and shared awareness play a major role in the management of any mass casualty and/or special event. Given the inter-agency mashup that these events create, shared awareness of the radio frequencies used by the variety of responder organizations is important so that the Incident Commander and team are not overwhelmed by a constant stream of requests for frequencies used by a specific...

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By Andrew Winkler, Thunderbolt Solutions The use of UxVs (aka Drones) is growing exponentially. Their value is undeniable. For many applications, a formation or group of drones is warranted and can provide unparalleled value and moves towards valueSQUARED. Today's market is platform centric. More capability means more payload which drives the hard choice between bigger platform or less endurance. Bigger platforms mean more complex operations and regulatory...

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