Distributed Sensing

Instant and Immediate Discovery of People, Sensors, and Information Services to Improve Operational Efficiency Today's threats and the way that our adversaries fight look very different than in decades past. Asymmetric threats rule the security landscape and with them come chaos and non-predictiveness. Asymmetric techniques often involve tactics that many might call "dirty fighting" which can include operational and strategic surprise and destruction in unanticipated ways....

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Drones and autonomous platforms continue to be of huge interest to commanders because they provide ground truth intelligence (to a degree) because of actual eyes-on the incident. What is validating to us is that more and more commanders see the drone platform as something more than mere imagery collection. If you are the incident commander on a train derailment, understanding whether or not the tanker...

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From seeing to sensing, and from assessing to anticipating.  Blueforce Tactical and our Command Center products were specifically designed to enable “small unit swarming”, an ability for responders from diverse agencies, to rapidly form responder networks to counter coordinated and simultaneous assaults often directed against multiple targets, using highly mobile groups to inflict casualties, garner press, and to inflict considerable human and infrastructure damage. These...

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Blueforce customers live in a world where Command decisions drive mission success or mission failure, and where life and death is a function of actionable information getting to the right person at the right time. Most often, the perishability of tactical information is measured in minutes. A robustly networked operational environment coupled with the Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the game specific to real-time...

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Blueforce was proud to take part in MEDWAR 2017 SOUTHEAST as a guest of VCOM/Auburn. Exposure to extreme heat is a reality of any form of public safety/military training and unit preparation for operational missions, MEDWAR included. Many heat illnesses are preventable, and none should be fatal. Leaders must assess unit's missions and training requirements against the risk associated with operating in warm weather environments....

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Thousands of workers fall victim to heat related injuries annually. Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion can occur quickly and early signs are often ignored as workers are focused on accomplishing their assigned tasks. These injuries can occur when work is being done outside and inside and are a major concern of EHS groups across a wide swath of industries. The fact is that heat related...

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It was 2008 when we first heard it: "I've got multiple deployed teams, vehicles, scores of unattended ground sensors, K9's, and aviation platforms to manage during my incident or mission. And I also have scores of applications that I have to look across and assimilate to make a decision that impacts a small patch of the deployment area. It has become impossible." ...

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It's a great thing when imagery can "say" everything that needs to be said.  It speaks for itself.  A dashboard video used during a USG training event is embedded below.  The Blueforce Command Center dashboard in the video shows members of a tactical team breaching a building with support from a K9 unit and shows the following: Real-time Incident Map: Top left, shows all team members,...

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Knowledge is power.  Successful tactical training is even better.  OPS15 and Alpha Canis will be hosting a 2-Day training event at their Southfield Training Facility and Blueforce will be there.  This dynamic training event will give participants from the public safety, military, and private sector an opportunity to share some ideas and knowledge on best practices from a diverse group of instructors relative to the...

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