Distributed Sensing

The complex environment of warfare and mass casualty incidents produces multiple environmental hazards that can harm personnel and prevent the accomplishment of military and public safety objectives. The renewed use of chemical weapons in Syria, contaminated water in military on continental United States (CONUS) bases, and a deadly fourth generation agent (FGA) employment in United Kingdom illustrate the continuing evolution of methods and hazards. The lack...

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Battlefield, disaster response, and public safety sustainment is both art and science; it's about synchronizing, integrating, and transporting commodities in a highly "just-in-time" manner to provide maneuver and incident commanders with freedom of action, extended operational reach, and prolonged endurance. As it turns out, the "science" of sustainment is not terribly difficult as it is grounded in basic math and computation, based on real-time time...

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Every day,  our physical and digital worlds become increasingly intertwined, presenting huge opportunities for investments in a future of continuous and lasting change.  This is true of Smart Cities, but also intelligent retail and smarter buildings.  This digitalization of the cyber-physical world is especially promising for municipalities to uncover opportunities and overcome challenges specific to the ever present goal of creating "safer cities".  Critical to...

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During the Spring of 2021, we supported The Digital Decision by donating and installed public safety technology solutions on the campus of Clark Atlanta University (CAU) to support their commencement ceremony held in mid-May. The technological solutions installed improved situational awareness as many events were being hosted on the campus. “With numerous activities going on all at one time, I wanted to be able to pinpoint...

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Technology for smart buildings, retail, and intelligent entertainment districts deliver useful services that make experiences for occupants and shoppers more intimate, safe, and satisfying. Smart buildings use information technology during operation to connect a variety of subsystems, which typically operate independently, so that these systems can share information to optimize productivity and experience. Smart buildings look beyond the building equipment within their four walls. They...

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No matter what the public safety networks look like in 20 years, they are sure to have core capabilities grounded in location-based services.  A critical component of any successful rescue operation is time.  Decision cycle time can be optimized by having the precise location of buildings, core services, emergency service resources, and disaster relief sites. This information is critical to disaster relief teams and public...

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The relationship between weather and emergency management (not to mention emergency preparedness) is fundamental and can be quite complicated. Weather causes many of the disasters that require an emergency response, yet awareness of conditions is essential for management of incidents unrelated to weather as the cause. For sure, meteorological awareness can have a profound effect managing the extent of destruction to life and property to...

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The last 18 months have yielded unprecedented disruption to businesses, with retailers in particular experiencing a vastly changed consumer buying environment. Consumers have become quite comfortable with buying online, requiring retailers to now reimagine the customer experience. Experiences that focus on building "relationship" which is now as important as "transaction". Critical to becoming customer-obsessed and reigniting growth, is technology and data which fuel intelligent outcomes...

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The origins of the Blueforce platform began with a singular and simple mission set: Enable warfighters and first responders to leverage their mobile compute devices to quickly form secure human workgroups in order to respond to a rapidly evolving incident. Blueforce delivered this in 2012 in the form of BlueforceTACTICAL for Android which enabled self-synchronization of location, shared ground intelligence, and the fusion and movement...

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It's that time of year. Every fire season, millions of acres across the world burn during wildland fire events. Worse, between 2000 - 2019 alone, more than 400 wildland firefighters lost their lives fighting these fires while protecting civilians, homes, and forests. While the hazards faced on the fire line can include burnovers/entrapments, heat-related illnesses and injuries, smoke inhalation, vehicle-related injuries (including aircraft), slips, trips,...

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