
Insights from the IoT Edge

The central thesis for the Blueforce IoT and shared situational awareness software platform began to form in 2008 after a meeting with a US DoD special operations commander who described a problem he was experiencing; one that we had heard several years prior during the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). This special operations group deployed with 18 or more body-worn or person carried...

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Blueforce helps cut through the onslaught of perishable edge IoT data by enabling collections of human, silicon, and AI endpoints that interact with the physical world with sense-making across the collective. Our new BlueforceLINUX IoT fusion platform was built to enable swarm intelligence in a soldier worn form factor and is optimized for CUBIC/DTECH's full line of tactical edge compute form factors, and screams on...

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Distributed sense-making from K9 and military working dog sensor arrays deployed on Blueforce designed harness systems.  Learn more about Integrated K9 Operations for Special Tactics Teams using Blueforce, as broadcast on the Discovery Channel. ...

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Blueforce's new EDGEbox for Linux will Ship With Recognitional Plugins Given the tempo of operations and the collapsed decision space presented by increasingly non-predictive threats, we continue to hear a common refrain: decision makers want nothing to do with a big data problem when on target, or at an incident site. The “Commander” is too often drowning in data, yet desires an explicit collision of “sense-making”...

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Blueforce was founded with the idea that through our technology, we could have a positive impact on the world. Our products are created to enable organizations doing important things to keep their people safe and have the information that they need to make better informed and faster decisions to accomplish their missions and their goals. When we were approached by Tim Harry, owner of Severance...

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Situational awareness is a critical component for Incident Commanders making life and death decisions in time constrained environments. As the internet has matured, and public safety IoT/sensors are deployed, the commander now has access to a wide array of data that transcends mere location and map markups. With this proliferation of public safety sensors, drones, robotics, and now smart city infrastructure, the commander has an ever...

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Despite rapid advances in weapon-mounted digital optics, target acquisition through-the-optic, classification, and identification have changed very little. It comes down to the operator visually acquiring a target and assessing its friend/foe affiliation and threat potential. This “tried and true” methodology is vulnerable to several points of failure. The foremost vulnerability is reliance on the operator’s ability to classify and identify the target, which may appear...

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Gaining real-time access to the wide array of video sources at an incident location has always been one of the "golden rings" of interest for on-scene Command. We largely trust our eyes and value visual confirmation as we consider the criticality and impacts of the decisions that need to be made. For incident-based video sources and the associated live streaming, low latency influences the sense...

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Small and medium-sized businesses now have access to situational awareness software that is military-grade, and affordable. Public safety agencies rely on operational intelligence to effectively respond to emergency situations. Technology can boost the amount of collectible intelligence and help synthesize and analyze it so informed decisions can be made.  Real-time location of essential personnel and assets is one of the cornerstones incident data that helps first...

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We can all agree that a goal during the COVID-19 pandemic is to get our schools reopened as safely and as quickly as possible given the many known and established benefits of in-person learning. What has become clear is that all educational systems need strategies and tactics for safe day-to-day operations that can be adopted implemented to slow the spread of COVID-19 inside of the...

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Here in the heat of summer, companies are coming to understand that the virus and its aftershocks will be felt for months, if not years.  The coronavirus will eventually be controlled, but by the time this happens, employers will have new regimens in place for managing their workforces.  So they are starting to make longer-term investments in technology to inject distance into in-person commerce, but to...

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