SIX capabilities, powered by Blueforce’s edge IoT technology, that deliver immense capability to our National Security Operators and Organizations. Pervasive sensor technology presents the opportunity for operators to extend their capabilities, share information horizontally, and swarm faster than their adversaries, by communicating with devices that are installed at fixed locations, carried, mounted on manned and unmanned systems, or worn on the body, the latter of which...

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When an organization has IoT sensors, surveillance equipment, and even information technology gear deployed to far flung locations across the world, driving to a location to reset a router or a camera can take hours. Arcanum Africa, a Blueforce Platinum reseller based in South Africa, experiences these exact challenges with deployed security equipment as well as counter-poaching technologies designed to protect wildlife. What's needed is...

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Firefighting and emergency response are dangerous professions, and a growing body of research and data shows the contributions that job-related exposures have in chronic illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease, and an array of neurological disorders. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recently undertook two large studies focused on firefighter cancer and concluded that firefighters face a 9 percent increase in cancer...

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Since the founding of public education, schools have been charged with the safety of children in their care – a duty to protect. Recent events have shaken the sense of serenity and security that has characterized most school campuses. While the risk of serious violence on school campuses is remarkably low, particularly in its most extreme forms, the potential consequences can be devastating and long-lasting...

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Arcanum Africa and Blueforce Development Corporation have signed a reseller agreement for Arcanum to bring Blueforce into defense, public safety, personal security, and wildlife/environmental protection in South Africa. Arcanum provides a variety of products and professional services which include state of the art AI and computer vision using interior and exterior autonomous smart drones, broad area mesh communications, ruggedized surveillance systems, and now the entire...

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The first 72 hours after a natural/manmade disaster are critical hours that make or break the speed of recovery. Power is gone. Terrestrial communications are denied if available at all. Worse, a nonpredictive inter-agency mash-up is about to hit and with it comes an interoperability nightmare. The ability to positively impact recovery requires communications and the rapid standup of mobile command in denied, disparate, and...

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Complex emergency management is fundamentally a lesson in organized chaos where accountability is a core foundational element of shared situational awareness. Knowing where to find what you need can be as chaotic given that response assets — the vehicles, equipment, autonomous platforms — are rarely in one place and scattered throughout an area of operation. Asset inventory coupled with resources and capability on a "single...

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Battlefield, disaster response, and public safety sustainment is both an art and science; it’s about synchronizing, integrating, and transporting commodities in a highly “just-in-time” manner to provide maneuver and incident commanders with freedom of action, extended operational reach, and prolonged endurance. As it turns out, the “science” of sustainment is not terribly difficult as it is grounded in basic math and computation, based on real-time...

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For decades now, public safety Land Mobile Radio (LMR) systems have provided a reliable, albeit geographically limited, communications backbone and baseline for related command and control systems for public safety agencies. These legacy LMR systems are often limited to the geographic areas of the agency/agencies being served and, in many cases, there may be multiple public safety LMR systems in the same geographic area using...

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The relationship between weather and emergency management (not to mention emergency preparedness) is fundamental and can be quite complicated. Weather causes many of the disasters that require an emergency response, yet awareness of conditions is essential for management of incidents unrelated to weather as the cause. For sure, meteorological awareness can have a profound effect managing the extent of destruction to life and property to...

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