Common Operating Picture

Distributed sense-making from K9 and military working dog sensor arrays deployed on Blueforce designed harness systems.  Learn more about Integrated K9 Operations for Special Tactics Teams using Blueforce, as broadcast on the Discovery Channel. ...

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Situational awareness is a critical component for Incident Commanders making life and death decisions in time constrained environments. As the internet has matured, and public safety IoT/sensors are deployed, the commander now has access to a wide array of data that transcends mere location and map markups. With this proliferation of public safety sensors, drones, robotics, and now smart city infrastructure, the commander has an ever...

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Despite rapid advances in weapon-mounted digital optics, target acquisition through-the-optic, classification, and identification have changed very little. It comes down to the operator visually acquiring a target and assessing its friend/foe affiliation and threat potential. This “tried and true” methodology is vulnerable to several points of failure. The foremost vulnerability is reliance on the operator’s ability to classify and identify the target, which may appear...

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If you have been following Blueforce for any amount of time, you know the value we place on open standards. Even more so, standards that are portable between a wide array of compute environments, but also those that are light on the network. We have become quite enamored with REST/JSON given the speed in which it allows stateless inter-connectivity between Blueforce APIs and disparate systems....

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Balancing privacy and public health, while providing real time informatics to detect “viral blooms” in Smart Cities The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an era of unprecedented uncertainty. For businesses, the virus has introduced unparalleled issues with business continuity, supply chain disruptions, and employee health. If there is one thing history has shown us, it's that pandemics are known to occur in waves. Infections spike, peak,...

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Whether you are involved in executive protection, campus safety, or manage teams of mobile "lone workers", a fundamental requirement exists to keep track of people and to ensure their safety as they go about their day. BlueforceBEACON is a highly secure software based emergency notification system that provides a safety net. The product delivers location services, secure text communications, covert emergency camera triggering, “listen live”...

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CANTON OHIO: It's home to the Football Hall of Fame, Kent State University, and now Wi-Fiber’s Smart City and Real Time Crime Center, powered by BlueforceEDGE, for distributed gunshot intelligence and more. Wi-Fiber manufactures a best-in-class Smart City Platform which leverages BlueforceEDGE to fuse a wide array of pluggable and dynamically adaptable sensors in the lamp head which include: Lighting control, two-way microphones, speakers, 4K...

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To help first responders handle the worldwide spread of COVID-19, Blueforce Development and Zebra have partnered closely to offer a situational awareness platform that can be rapidly deployed by law enforcement agencies. Blueforce provides an easy-to-use subscriber interface to securely connect with people, sensors, and AI services in seconds, using Zebra rugged mobile devices to capture data and remain connected in critical environments. Utilizing the...

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It’s the same kit we have deployed for more than 10 years for border counter-terrorism joint task forces. A kit that is airline checkable (46 lbs; 32" L x 20" W x 9" H) and provides communications, sensor fusion, and a distributed common operating picture that crosses domains, agencies, and networks. More importantly, a kit that isn’t confined to a single vehicle and can be...

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It has been called many names: distributed cloud, fog computing, and 4th generation data center, but with the impending mass deployment of 5G a variant of distributed cloud is more commonly referred to as "multi-access edge computing" or "MEC". The idea behind MEC is to deliver compute, bandwidth, and micro services much closer to the end user and IoT devices for faster and more informed...

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